BSAC message on Clarifying “The rule of 6”

We thought we’d start this week with a big warm thank you.

Thank you for your loyalty to BSAC, for sticking with us through the tough times and for your support and kindness to clubs and fellow members. It’s been an extraordinarily difficult time for most over the last six months, but the strength in our community has shined through. And for that we offer you a heartfelt thank you.

For those out enjoying diving and snorkelling again, the change announced by Government, that from Monday 14 September social gatherings of more than six people are banned, does not affect existing BSAC guidance on diving activity.

Neil Smitham

Neil Smitham

Since starting diving I've learnt a lot more useful things than I ever did at school, and been to so many different places that I doubt I would have without diving, around Britain and abroad. The Red Sea is great diving, and I've been to Orkney / Scapa Flow eight times, but my best trips have been two club trips to Norway. The craic of the journey and the spectacular scenery added to the fantastic diving. Favourite wreck, The Frankenwald or The Ferndale and Parat.