Christmas dive and meal

Social events have been few and far between this year, so having one final opportunity in 2021 we decided to go for it.

Steve Bettison sent out the email and a steady response meant it was worth going ahead. We ended up with about 20 for the meal and 4 to dive.

Twelve met at Ecclestone delph dive centre from 10am and the number of divers went down to three (sadly the centre was not loaning kit).

It was great to see Jen and Rick, homemade ginger biscuits in hand, who had just come along to say hello.

Kit assembled we entered the water and dropped down to about five meters, did a quick check to ensure we ready and headed deeper. We followed the traditional route, to gain depth, the van, Ack Ack gun, Jet Provost plane and the Cruiser. We then continued SE and ascended from about 17 meters onto the 10-meter shelf at the rear of the quarry. From there we followed the shelf north until ascending to do our safety stop above 6 meters. Rather than staying in one place we continued (swimming for our safety stop) round the side of the shelf and then returned to the exit, waiting a further two minutes before exiting once we had completed 30 minutes.

A quick change and then off to the Cornerhouse pub at Wrightington for the Christmas meal.

In total 20 of the club turned up for the Christmas meal and saw 2021 out in good style. Thanks to Steve Bettison for arranging all the details and here’s to 2022 being a great year for the club.