
  • Chairperson’s welcome and introduction – Paula Garbett
  • Main points from Minutes of 2022 AGM – Paul Tweedale
  • Chairperson’s Address – Paula Garbett
  • Diving Officer’s Report – Steve Bettison
  • Training Officer’s Report – Steve Gresty
  • Treasurer’s Report – Ben Flanagan
  • Membership Secretary’s Report – Lisa Kean
  • Equipment Officer’s Report – John Kelly
  • Information Officers Report – Simon Read
  • Social Secretary’s Report – Paul Moore

Dissolution of the 2022 Committee and election of 2023 Branch Officers – Paul Tweedale

  • Nominations/Election of 2023 Branch Officer’s:
PositionNomineeProposed BySeconded ByElected
ChairpersonPaula GarbettNick HaighDebbie CarrierPaula Garbett
Diving OfficerSteve BettisonRichard ScarsbrookDave GodsonSteve Bettison
TreasurerBen FlanaganPaul TweedaleLisa KeanBen Flanagan
SecretaryPaul TweedaleJen ScarsbrookBrad MarkhamPaul Tweedale
The above nominations are unchallenged and were therefore elected

The TSAC 2023 committee

Back Row: Steve Bettison (DO), Nick Haigh (TO), Simon Read (IO), Ben Flanagan (Treasurer), Paula Garbett (Chair), Igor Michalek (Joint EO), Paul Moore (Social)
Front Row: John Kelly (Joint EO), Paul Tweedale (Secretary) Lisa Keen (Members secretary)
  • Matters Received for Discussion
  • Any Other Business – At the Chairs Discretion
  • The new Committee set the date for next monthly TSAC Committee meeting for 6th Feb 2023
  • 50th anniversary questions

26 people attended the AGM.

Currently we have 75 members.

Over the 2022, 790 dives were recorded (an increase from the previous years 519) in 13 different locations.

These consisted of:

  • 36 Rib dives
  • 192 Day boat dives
  • 415 Liveaboard dives
  • 147 Quarry dives
Simon Read

Simon Read

I have always loved the sea and diving gives me that little bit of extra special interaction. I love diving anywhere and always find sites interesting and an exhilarating activity, constantly enhancing and improving my skills and knowledge. My favourite diving has to be around the British Isles and in particular St Abbs. It has everything, the sea life, the socialising, the history and the thrill. TSAC has opened up many areas and opportunities for me and hopefully will continue to do so in the future. Here’s to the next adventure.