Why do we have an AGM?

We are part of BSAC and as such they have byelaws that we need to adhere to. These are listed below, (for simplicity and clarity I have removed unnecessary info).

3. Management

Chair Paul Tweedale

A Branch shall adopt byelaws not in conflict with the Memorandum and Articles of Association of BSAC in such form as such Branch may approve which provide for:

  1. An Annual General Meeting of the Branch and the Business thereof.

4. Annual General Meeting (AGM)

  1. The Annual General Meeting of the club / branch shall be held in ………………… each year. Notice of the meeting and the agenda shall be handed out to all paid-up members of the club / branch ………………… weeks before the meeting.’

It goes on to list many different points such as officers need to be elected, they need to be elected at the meeting, motions can be put forward by members etc

Here we January 26th, 8pm and out AGM is underway.

We met in the conference room and very quickly the current chair made an executive decision to move up to the bar. Not because we would have to walk a shorter distance for sustenance but because the downstairs room was bitterly cold!

As usual the meeting commenced with the years’ summary reports Each tried to be as informative as possible in as short a time as possible.

Outgoing committee members
  • Chairperson – Paul Tweedale
  • Secretary – Brad Markham
  • Diving Officer – Steve Bettison
  • Training Officer – Steve Bettison
  • Treasurer – Josh Ball
  • Membership Secretary – Paula Garbett
  • Equipment Officer – Steve Gresty
  • Information Officer – Simon Read
  • Social Secretary – Lewis Williams

To summarise the year – very successful, when considering Covid issues

  • 590 dives (46 members dived)
  • 22 trips went ahead
  • HAG night – 19 attended and 12 have now joined the club
  • 2 divers qualified as instructors
  • Not many social events due to Covid but a successful BBQ took place and the Awards night dinner is planned for March.
  • Zoom socials held
  • RHIBs not used so need to be booked in for a service.
  • We now have 84 members

With the end of the reports the current committee was dissolved, and the new committee members elected.

Thank you to the outgoing members

Welcome to the elected members

  • Chairperson – Paula Garbett
  • Secretary – Paul Tweedale
  • Treasurer – Ben Flanagan
  • Diving Officer – Debbie Collier
  • Training Officer – Steve Gresty
  • Membership Secretary – Lisa Kean
  • Equipment Officer – John Kelly
  • Information Officer – Simon Read
  • Social Secretary – Pau Moore
The new committee (back row from the left) Ben (treasurer), Paul (secretary), Debbie (DO), (front) Paula (Chair)

The first meeting of the new committee is on the 7th of February and one will be held on the first Monday of each month.

You are welcome to come and join us at any of the meetings.

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Simon Read

Simon Read

I have always loved the sea and diving gives me that little bit of extra special interaction. I love diving anywhere and always find sites interesting and an exhilarating activity, constantly enhancing and improving my skills and knowledge. My favourite diving has to be around the British Isles and in particular St Abbs. It has everything, the sea life, the socialising, the history and the thrill. TSAC has opened up many areas and opportunities for me and hopefully will continue to do so in the future. Here’s to the next adventure.