Promo Day
Part of driving the club forward and increasing our membership is getting out to the public and bringing them into the pool with a try dive experience. Bearing this in mind we decided to set up a ‘Promo Day’ at our training centre in Urmston.
The team at Move Urmston allowed us to ‘take over’ the centre and run an all day promotion for the club.
Saturday morning rolled around and by 9am we had two large tables set up in the foyer. These were covered in magazines, books, a lap top showing TSAC photos and a selection of BSACs best free promotional material. We had our own produced posters, banners and, in particular, we had our try dive vouchers for sale.

Spreading out round the centre we covered pillars with posters and displayed a variety of different interests points such as photos of trips, Little Annie dolls, dive equipment and a selection of videos, which were played on the centres screens.
The day seemed to ebb and flow with moments of quite followed by a flurry of interest. The day progressed and we signing up new divers for try dives and signed up qualified divers who wanted to make a return to diving. We were also approached by several parents interested in getting their children involved (as a club we have an above 16 rule but will be discussing this as a result of the interest shown).

Overall the day proved to be successful and was a good learning curve in t was great to have club members visit and help out, many staying all day. I have to say the sausage butties, cooked in the back of Andy’s van, were amazing and most welcome.
Finally a big vote of thanks to the staff at Move Urmston and their welcoming approach in supporting our endeavours.