HAG night (Have A Go Night)

HAG night (Have A Go Night)

One of the highlights of the club year is the HAG night, in other words the try dive night, where we introduce prospective members to Scuba diving.

The organisation starts a long while before the night with the Membership Secretary (Lisa) gathering names of people who have expressed an interest in diving by contacting our club, via our website, Facebook page or by word of mouth.

Whilst we gather the details the DO prepares for the night contacting members for kit load, hiring correct kit sizes from Aqualogistics and chasing up instructors to see who is available to help on the evening. We aim for 12 try divers on the night so we need 12 sets of kit, lifeguards at least 8 in water instructors. The DO also books the pool training room so that the try divers can have the introductory talk and complete the paperwork.

Finally the night arrived and everyone arrived early to set the it up and make sure nothing had been missed. Lisa (members Secretary), Paula (Chair) and Steve (DO) give their introductory talks and prepare the trainees in the classroom. Once this is complete instructors go and collect their try diver and then the fun/excitement begins.

Kit is checked and fitted and try divers enter the water and are kitted up. We then run through how the equipment works. The environment is controlled and safe but that doesn’t stop nerves showing through as, for most, this is a new and alien experience. We want the dive to be enjoyable and for the try divers to feel that they are in control and being supported through out the experience.

The try divers are guided at their own pace and never rushed, but very quickly, they are under the water and we then give them an opportunity to swim round and practise. Every now and then an instructor will bring the try diver to the surface and give them some pointers in order to improve the experience.

The hour goes by very quickly and soon all of the try divers are out and smiling happily. Clothes changed, kit dismantled and we are back at the John Alker for a few drinks and socialising. This is the opportunity to answer questions and sign up the new divers to our club.

This year we were really pleased that in addition to the many club members who turned up to help, Stephen Dorricott, (BSACs North West Regional Coach) came along to observe how the club runs the evening. We are always looking for ways to improve our club and when he was asked what we could do better his reply was ‘Nothing, it is a great example of how to run a try dive night’. Congratulations to our DO (Steve) and the team for such a great event.

We now have a new bunch of Ocean Divers starting on their Scuba adventure.

Welcome to our club.

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Simon Read

Simon Read

I have always loved the sea and diving gives me that little bit of extra special interaction. I love diving anywhere and always find sites interesting and an exhilarating activity, constantly enhancing and improving my skills and knowledge. My favourite diving has to be around the British Isles and in particular St Abbs. It has everything, the sea life, the socialising, the history and the thrill. TSAC has opened up many areas and opportunities for me and hopefully will continue to do so in the future. Here’s to the next adventure.