Gaelic Rose Sound of Mull

Gaelic Rose Sound of Mull

Yet another trip to one of our favourite destinations on one of our favourite liveaboards, the Gaelic Rose.

The usual trek up through the Scottish mountains, veering off left to meet the boat at Lochaline This journey must, without doubt, be one of the most scenic routes over the top of the mountains, crossing by the ferry and then running down towards Locahline along a single track road with stunning scenery.

Most of the dive team were regulars and knew the ropes so settling in was easy and quite soon the first mornings dive came around.

We had a hearty breakfast and kitted up as Bob took the boat out onto the Sound and steamed off to our first dive the Rondo. With the weather looking good it was decided to head into Tobermory for fuel and Tunnocks and then head up to Much, Eigg and Canna.

The following dives all proved stunning with a wall dive on near Loch Scavaig on Skye being the days highlight.

To finish we had a couple more scenic dives and were joined by some dolphins.

Dive weekends like this don’t get much better.

Video of the dolphins

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Simon Read

Simon Read

I have always loved the sea and diving gives me that little bit of extra special interaction. I love diving anywhere and always find sites interesting and an exhilarating activity, constantly enhancing and improving my skills and knowledge. My favourite diving has to be around the British Isles and in particular St Abbs. It has everything, the sea life, the socialising, the history and the thrill. TSAC has opened up many areas and opportunities for me and hopefully will continue to do so in the future. Here’s to the next adventure.