Fuerteventura ‘take 2’

Fuerteventura ‘take 2’

At the end of April the second cohort from the club headed off for Deep Blue Diving led by our DO, Alf.

A slightly different trip as there were some new divers along, gearing up to use their new qualification.

the trip started in earnest at the airport celebrating Jack Irlam completing and receiving his Ocean Diver qualification.

The dive group consisted of a mix of people from experienced dive travellers to three who were embarking on their first overseas dive trip.

The week proved extremely successful with divers completing a series of dives and cementing their new skills with the support of the DO and TO team.

The ‘take 2’ team maintained the high standard of evening entertainment, trying out the Thai, Indian and Tapas restaurants.

Dives completed

  • El Muelito & Antifteatro
  • El Portal & Barranco
  • El Laberinto & Harbour Wall + Harbour Wall night dive
  • El Mirador & El Tazar
  • La Piramide & La Embascada
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Simon Read

Simon Read

I have always loved the sea and diving gives me that little bit of extra special interaction. I love diving anywhere and always find sites interesting and an exhilarating activity, constantly enhancing and improving my skills and knowledge. My favourite diving has to be around the British Isles and in particular St Abbs. It has everything, the sea life, the socialising, the history and the thrill. TSAC has opened up many areas and opportunities for me and hopefully will continue to do so in the future. Here’s to the next adventure.