Loch Fyne – RHIB diving
Loch Fyne – RHIB diving What a weekend for club diving, Plymouth with two hard boats and Loch Fyne with the two club RHIBs. It’s great to be back in action again and to be using the club’s resources. Having had the RHIBs and the trailers serviced it was a green light for the weekend.…

Plymouth …… finally
Plymouth …… finally The annual Plymouth bank holiday dive was planned and ready to go in 2020, no go, rebooked to 2021 no go, rebooked for 2022 …. Go!!! Finally, we had managed to get the trip on, we still lost a couple of people due to covid and ended up with 17 people travelling…

Capernwray training dive
Capernwray training dive Another excellent days training at Capernwray provided by Debbie and her team. The day turned out to be sunny, if not a little windy! The car park was reasonably full so we expected a little bit of diver soup when we were in the water. The water clarity was not the best…

Sound of Mull and Islands dive
Sound of Mull and Islands dive Third attempt and we have finally made it, sadly not all of us, Covid, double booking and a septic cat bite meant that we were down from 10 to 7. The bonus is that we had a little bit more space on the boat and less wait for the…

Inland sites – divers guide 2022
Inland sites – divers guide 2022 Diver net has produced a comprehensive guide to the inland dive sites of England and Wales, the full article is on Inland Sites Diver’s Guide 2021 – Divernet. I have created a summary of the article below and removed NDAC as it has recently closed. ANDARK LAKE LOCATION Oslands…

Shuttlingsloe walk
The best piece of advice I was given when starting out diving was to take a pair of walking boots on a dive trip. British diving is great, but it can get blown out so have a backup plan. Seeing as I like walking it is not a hard rule to follow. When Paul Moore…

Club events – a list of the years club events, training and trips
A SUMMARY OF THE TRIPS AND EVENTS TAKING PLACE OVER THE YEAR Below is a list of all the events planned for the year (this will be updated as necessary). Keep an eye out for emails, Facebook notifications and calendar posts for up to date information. Each of the events has a link to the…

GoDiving show – TSAC day out
Dive shows are an essential part of diving. They provide many opportunities to improve diving in many different ways and also to just have a good day out with friends. At a dive show its possible to look at new kit, new places to dive, new ideas, to try things out, to listen to interesting…

DPV try dive night
DPV (driver propulsion vehicle) or scooter Our DPV night is the first of our try dive nights for club members. A step away from training and an attempt to introduce a few alternative ideas to club members. The intention is to try and run a series of different taster events on a two monthly basis…

Advanced Ocean Diver – BSAC’s new course
If you are an already qualified BSAC Ocean Diver (or other agency equivalent) and would like to extend your diving range progressively, then Advanced Ocean Diver is for you. An optional step between Ocean Diver and Sports Diver, Advanced Ocean Diver will enable you to dive up to 30m which opens up even more of…

Why do we have an AGM? We are part of BSAC and as such they have byelaws that we need to adhere to. These are listed below, (for simplicity and clarity I have removed unnecessary info). ‘3. Management A Branch shall adopt byelaws not in conflict with the Memorandum and Articles of Association of BSAC…

Pickmere Lake – first dive of the year
It’s January 1st and I feel that a dive is needed, and I can’t be bothered to drive far so where better than the local lake? With my house overlooking the lake it is a lazy option but has become an annual event for me and my buddy. It isn’t the greatest dive ever; we have…