Christmas dive and meal
Social events have been few and far between this year, so having one final opportunity in 2021 we decided to go for it. Steve Bettison sent out the email and a steady response meant it was worth going ahead. We ended up with about 20 for the meal and 4 to dive. Twelve met at…

End of Season Kit Care and Storage
About this time of year many of us decide that it’s time for a break from diving until the warmer weather returns. It is this point that it is imperative to clean and store equipment properly in order for it to be ready for next season. Even though I continue to dive all year these…

A day out in Loch Long
Once a year I’m presented with an extra day. This is intended to give people a day Christmas shopping. As I would rather eat my own arm then face the likes of the Trafford Centre, I take the opportunity to go to one of my favourite sites in the country – Loch Long. The itinerary…

Scuba magazine club focus on TSAC
The editor of the BSAC Scuba magazine (Simon Rogerson) has been running an article each month introducing clubs around the country. I thought we had a great deal to interest people and had a good history to relate so put this article together with photos from club members. A copy of the article can be…

Farne Islands – Where’s Wally?
I have a love hate relationship with the Farnes and diving. I love the area, the views are stunning, the company is good, where we stay is warm and comfortable, but the diving, well it has always been a bit hit and miss for me. I hate getting on a boat and finding…

Why go to the Shetlands for Diving?
To get to the Shetlands for a TSAC member is long and drawn out. You can fly from Manchester, but the usual route is via ferry. A seven hour drive to Aberdeen followed by an overnight ferry to Lerwick, basically a twenty four hour journey. Cost of return ferry (including a shared cabin) is £220.…

Have A Go Night (HAG Night)
On the ‘New to Scuba Diving’ page of the BSAC website it states; ‘You probably have a lot of questions… Is scuba diving for me? How long does it take? Is it safe? Will I like it? How much does it cost? And probably many more. Learning to scuba dive will likely change your life.…

TSAC Annual BBQ (the first one)
Covid has hit everyone, including divers. It does seem odd that an activity where you are essentially a sealed unit was hit, but hit it was. This meant that training, dive trips and the social aspects of the club have all been affected. To bring the club back together the committee decided to get things…

Gaelic Rose – Muck and Walls
We set off from Manchester and after a long journey we arrived at Lochaline by 1900. Kit unloaded we got ready for the evening meal on board the Gaelic Rose. The Gaelic Rose is an old wooden fishing boat that has been converted into a liveaboard and it will be our home for the next…

Rathlin Island Diving
A liveaboard in Egypt was on the cards but, as with everything, it was red listed so postponed to next year. This left a few spare days in the calendar so what to do? Fairly obvious, find somewhere else to dive. It had to be the UK, it had to be available and (to be…

TSAC Remote Get Togethers – Via Zoom
As you all know, we recently started using the clubs zoom account for remote club get togethers. The first one (in January) went that well; so we have decided to hold regular get-togethers on the last Friday of every month. Therefore, the next three remote get togethers will be on: Feb 26, 2021 @ 20:00.…

Why dive in 2022?
Benefits of diving in 2022 It is a fact that having a hobby or any activity that you take part in helps to reduce isolation, improve wellbeing and confidence, and gives you a better quality of life. There are several ways you can do this: Continue with your diving. Improve your diving (do some more…