News and Events in the TSAC club.


Anglesey – first sea dives

Anglesey – first sea dives To kick start the season and get a few sea dives in for new ocean divers (before their trip to Fuerteventura) we decided to head to Anglesey and dive the Norman Court, an ‘easy’ dive for first time sea dives. Two days before and a weather check the west side…


2024 TSAC Committee – an introduction

2024 TSAC Committee – an introduction These are the new committee members for 2024. From left to right. Back Row Jack Irlam (Membership secretary), Sarah O’Neill (Treasurer), Joe Willis (TO), Simon Read (IO/Social secretary) Front Row Alf Draper (DO),Paul Tweedale (Secretary), Paula Garbett (Chair), Lisa Kean (TO) Below is an introduction to each member of…


Capernwray training dive – first of the year

Capernwray training dive – first of the year What could be better then to hold the first training dive of the year on a cold, wet, soggy day at Capernwray? According to those who attended nothing could have been better. It was a great turn out and superhuman effort given the wind and rain! It…


Paris Dive Show (Salon de la Plongée)

Paris Dive Show (Salon de la Plongée) A cold January morning in 2023 and I am looking for ideas for a dive trip when the Paris 2024 dive show advert appears in my email box. It seems like a good idea so after a little investigation a plan is hatched to visit in 2024. Roll…


TSAC – Annual General Meeting – 1st February

TSAC – Annual General Meeting TSAC – Annual General Meeting on Thursday 1st February 2024 Our Annual General Meeting is on Thursday 1st February 2024, 2000hrs, at the John Alker (Ex-Servicemen’s Association), Flixton Road, Flixton, Manchester, M41 6QY.   The committee hope that you will be able to join us as we reflect over our activities of the…


Annual Christmas dive

Annual Christmas dive To start the year we completed our celebratory 50th anniversary dive at Ecclestone Delph so it seemed right to have come full circle and have our annual Christmas dive at the same venue (not withstanding the fact that we do this every year). A total of 20 signed up for the meal…


Capernwray – 11 degrees and dropping

Capernwray – 11 degrees and dropping A couple of visits to Capernwray this month for a few leisure dives and a bit of practice. The first was on the 1st December and had temperatures of positively tropical 11 degrees in the water. Neil Smitham produced the video of the day commenting that it was colder…


Oban – this years last hurrah

Oban – this years last hurrah The November trip is always the last major trip of the year for TSAC. An extended weekend with Bob on the Gaelic Rose to get in the usual sights and to try and explore some of the less visited dive sites. Down two people for this trip everyone met…


iScuba 141 magazine

iScuba 141 magazine It’s always good to see club members get letters or articles published, Jen Scarsbrook has done just that in getting a letter published in the latest iScuba magazine. Jen, as most members know, is a constant at our training and has recently stepped up once again to support Alf with the training.…

TSAC cover

Five decades of TSAC

Five decades of TSAC A final nod to our history for our 50th anniversary. One of the highlights of the anniversary meal were the series of photographs that Neil Smitham sourced. He sorted out a selection of pictures to represent each decade, which were displayed around the walls for everyone to peruse. He also created…

The clubs founder members

50th Anniversary Awards Night

50th Anniversary Awards Night After a year of planning the final Fifty@50 event had arrived, our 50th Anniversary Awards Night meal. Lisa, our membership secretary, had worked hard to get the venue set up arranged the caterers and decoration for the night. The DJ and magician had arrived, the awards, certificates and raffle prizes were…


Izu Peninsula – Japan

Izu Peninsula – Japan It’s a fair old trek from Tokyo to get to a decent dive site, and navigating the busy rail system in Japanese while carting a load of dive gear adds an interesting dimension to the journey. But divers are not known for their faint heartedness and the lure of a 24C…