Christmas Dive and Meal

A great turn out from TSAC for the Christmas Dive at Eccleston Delph. Nine hardy souls braving the bracing six degrees water temperature for a minimum of thirty minutes, that’s 350% up on the normal amount of two going in!
Lovely to then see a mixture of club experience turning up for the meal to make twenty-two of us warming up at the local Cornerhouse Restaurant in Wrightington.
Thanks for organising Steve.

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Neil Smitham

Neil Smitham

Since starting diving I've learnt a lot more useful things than I ever did at school, and been to so many different places that I doubt I would have without diving, around Britain and abroad. The Red Sea is great diving, and I've been to Orkney / Scapa Flow eight times, but my best trips have been two club trips to Norway. The craic of the journey and the spectacular scenery added to the fantastic diving. Favourite wreck, The Frankenwald or The Ferndale and Parat.